Should you add brochures to your direct mail mix?
Your organization probably has some sort of brochure or collateral that you distribute to prospects who request it. The great thing about a corporate brochure is that it can perform many functions throughout your marketing. If it is designed in a mail-friendly manner, one might even consider using it as part of your direct mail efforts. However, is it a good idea to use a brochure as part of your direct mail campaign?
If your direct mail campaign has the right goal in mind, your brochure can be a great element to add to your direct mail campaign. Here are a few ways they work best:
Use your brochure as part of an awareness campaignÂ
Your company brochure most likely depicts a general overview of your company, and its service or product offering. If you are looking to distribute a mail campaign to generate awareness alone, your brochure could be a great, readily available way to do just that. The only thing you would need to be sure about is that the brochure has a mail panel built into it to be mailed as a self-mailer or that it can be housed in an envelope to be transported through the mail. In the future, you may want to design your corporate brochures with this possibility in mind, and make sure to include a mail panel area.
Include your brochure with a letter mailing
Another way to integrate your brochure into your direct mail mix is to include it with your letter mailings as extra information about your company. As we discussed last month, letter mailers are great for building credibility, and inserting a brochure can help supplement the information provided in your letter mailer and help build that credibility.
Follow-up to information request
Finally, your company brochure can be used as part of a follow-up campaign to prospects requesting information. Most organizations receive dozens of leads per day, and implementing a follow-up campaign to touch base with those leads who fail to make a purchase can convert to more sales in the future. Following up with your prospects through the use of a direct mail piece, such as a brochure, is a great way to maintain contact with your prospects for a greater duration of time and strengthen their bond with your organization.
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